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Lättplockade Marknadsandelar (15)_edited.jpg

칼 요한 질렌스톰



다음 질문에 답하십시오.

Number of Users Who Want to Improve Their Ranking in Search Engines 

안녕하세요 제 이름은 칼 요한 질렌스톰입니다. 저는 무료 검색 엔진 최적화 도구 무료 디지털 마케팅 도구 를 개발합니다 .
검색 엔진에서 순위를 높이고 싶습니까?

무료 SEO 및 마케팅 도구


칼 요한 질렌스톰이 개발했습니다.

시장 응용 프로그램 베타  

효과적인 디지털 마케팅 및 검색 엔진 최적화를 위한 입력 값 안내. PC, Mac, Android, iOS 및 기타 모바일 장치용.



Market Application Beta | Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm Båstad.gif
Market Application Beta | Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm Båstad.gif


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.

Car accessories

Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.


Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.

Work environment

Market Application Beta.png
Gyllenstorm Link Network.gif

Uses Gyllenstorm Update System™

Compatible with: iOS, Android, Mac, PC and other mobile devices.

Place, price, product and time

The content of the applications acts as a marketing guide for competitors and for equivalent industries on the internet. The posts show, among other things, where on Google it is easy to pick up/ rank with market keywords.


Combined input value shows:


  • Market keywords options.

  • Geographical area linked to relevant market keyword.

  • Time parameters linked to relevant market keyword.

  • Market price indication linked to relevant market keyword.

  • Related search terms linked to relevant market keyword.

  • Market keyword competition linked to the number of Google search hits and Youtube search hits.

  • Number of searches / month on relevant market keyword.

  • Market keyword classification via the Rank Barometer.

  • Marketing guidance.


Note that the input values ​​are historically based and that these may have changed based on competition, search engine algorithms, etc. Market Application™ can be used as a marketing advisor and as a complement to other acquired specific related market keyword information. Don't just focus on the number of Google search hits when you want to gain market keyword, also look at the number of Google video search hits. Example: A market keyword can have 15000 Google search hits and only 5 Youtube video search hits, this means that the ability to rank as No. 1 on Youtube with selected market keyword is very good.


The parameter “Hypothetical turnover guideline / month”


Calculated based on price indication and number of searches / month. Applicable market keyword purchased in meters, m2 or other unspecified quantity, no calculation is made.


About the Rank Barometer

Blue marking means that competition for the easy-to-pick market keyword is low. Achieving ranking position # 1 in the relevant search engine should not be difficult and time consuming. If the market keyword is completely marked in blue (both on Google and on Youtube), this does not have to be negative from a marketing aspect. In practice, this can mean that the consumer only needs to be reminded of the product / service / service and that a need / demand actually exists. In such a case, the digital marketing starting point is extra favorable for the entrepreneur.


Yellow marking means that competition for the easy-to-pick market keyword is medium-high. Achieving ranking # 1 in the relevant search engine can take time and requires uniquely quality related content that contains more information and links than the competitors have in their content.


Red marking means that competition is high for the easy-to-pick market keyword. Achieving ranking # 1 in the relevant search engine takes time. Qualified search engine optimization skills are required.

The number of related search results for the selected easy-to-pick market keyword is a decisive factor in Rank barometer classification of the easy-to-pick market keyword. Another factor that is taken into account is the competitors' DA (domain authority).


Green-marked market keyword mean that a larger number of searches / month are made on the market keyword. Searches reflect demand.


Top 5 market keyword are specific market keyword that stand out in the market keywords selection. Top 5 market keywords are recognized by a flashing 5th in Market Applications.

Terms and conditions


Market Application™ is used on users own initiative and responsibility (includes software and hardware).


All input values ​​in the applications are obtained on the internet. The input values ​​can be used as a kind of guide in internet marketing. The input values ​​are dates classified, which means that the input values ​​may have changed after registration / publication. Market Application™ is built in the application program Glide. The input values ​​are stored in Google's cloud solution -> Google Drive. The input values ​​are published with support from the Freedom of Expression Act and the Freedom of the Press Ordinance. The input values ​​are Copyright protected.


To obtain full eligibility

Granted only to employers with whom the application manufacturer Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has applied for a job. Full eligibility is provided in limited numbers. The user applies for full authorization in the Market Applications.


Market Application™ is a reference project at present with no commercial purpose. The terms of use can be changed by the application manufacturer at any time.

Objective purpose

In connection with the corona pandemic, high unemployment and many bankruptcies have been discovered. One step in counteracting this is the production of the Market Application™.

Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was at the disposal of the labor market 20XX-XX-XX and in addition the Market Application™ was created. * The purpose of the Market Application™ was and is primarily to reflect some of Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm's expertise within the framework of data analysis and statistics / seo (search engine optimization) as well as advertising and digital marketing.

Market Application User Manual .png

News Magazines


칼 요한 질렌스톰

주소: Köpmansgatan 109


우편번호: 269 36


도시: Bastad

전화:(0046) 0739-894011


이메일: jktaxtrainer at

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